11/10/2014 19:54
The Coweta Beekeeping Method, Sustainable beekeeping in the south
I just finished writing an article about sustainable beekeeping. This took months of thinking, reading and writing. My philosophy of beekeeping changed this year. There is no reason to struggle each year to make up for winter losses, plan on winter losses. All the resources needed to become sustainable exist in a bee yard; colonies of bees can be used to make more colonies. Overwintered nucs are the insurance for winter losses. Nucs can overwinter in double nucs insuring survival. Raise your own queens for better queens with better genetics.
The article is available at the Coweta Beekeepers web site.
The Coweta Beekeeping Method, sustainable beekeeping in the south
Steve Page180 Barrington Grange Dr.
Sharpsburg, GA 30277